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Celebrating Brighton's Heritage Through Visual ArtsHeritage Art Contest Announces $2,000 Purse
The Municipality of Brighton
Jan. 1, 2007 and Mar. 29, 2008
Entrants must return their entry form by Mar. 1, 2008
More Info:
Art work entered in the contest must be created between Jan. 1, 2007 and Mar. 29, 2008 and must depict a scene within the Municipality of Brighton. Entrants must return their entry form by Mar. 1, 2008 and submit the entry for judging on Mar. 29. Official entry forms are available by request from brightonart@xplornet.com or by mail from Brighton Art Contest, P.O. Box 981, Brighton, Ont. K0K 1H0.
From Issue No. 112 | February 18, 2008
The winning artist of a Brighton art contest could receive up to $550 in cash prizes, and will share a $2,000 purse with more than 25 other artists of all ages representing myriad disciplines.
Capture the Heritage is a joint project between the Brighton Arts Council and the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario – Brighton branch (ACO), and celebrates Brighton’s rich structural and landscape heritage through visual arts. Artists compete for prizes in three categories – painting/sketching, photography, and multimedia. To encourage younger participants, organizers divided entrants into three age groups – 12 and younger, 13 to 19, and 20 and older.
Contest organizers made a deliberate decision to offer equal prizes throughout the age divisions. The first place winner in each discipline and each age group will receive $100, second place pays $50, and third place pays $25. The ACO will present a $50 prize to an entrant of its choice, and a Best-of-Show prize will pay an additional $400.