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ICOMOS Canada $95 Members - $115 Non-members
More Info:
For Information or to reserve a place, email Ian McGillivray icomos.toronto@rogers.com
Or call
Oil Museum of Canada, 519-834-2840.
From Issue No. 116 | April 15, 2008
The Toronto group of ICOMOS Canada (national committee of International Monuments and Sites Committee) is holding its spring heritage conservation symposium in Oil Springs, Lambton County to mark the 150th anniversary of the first commercial oil well in North America.
Oil Springs oil fields still operate, utilizing its original mode of production (jerker rod). The area boasts a wealth of heritage assets, significant on a provincial, national and global scale. The community is working as a public/private partnership to protect and to promote its oil heritage and seeking the advise of ICOMOS Canada experts to guide them with their future plans. Come join us and share you experience in protecting heritage sites.