Cabbagetown Street, in Toronto's first Citizen researched Heritage Conservation
The City of Toronto has previously proposed an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) to authorize the funding of HCD studies as an eligible community benefit under Section 37 of the Planning Act. Community benefits are otherwise limited to capital facilities and do not include studies. Originally, the proposed OPA would have applied anywhere in the City.
In response to concerns expressed by certain residents’ organizations, the City has decided to refine the proposed OPA to authorize Section 37 funding of HCD studies in specified areas that exhibit characteristics warranting further research and possible designation as HCDs under the Ontario Heritage Act. Heritage Preservation Services staff, in collaboration with the Ryerson
School of Planning, has created maps for inclusion in the proposed OPA, showing the general locations of potential HCDs. The proposed OPA would authorize Section 37 funding of HCD studies in development projects that are in, or in close proximity to, the areas of potential identified on the maps.
Purpose of the Meeting
The meeting will provide an opportunity for the public to obtain further information on the proposed OPA and to view the proposed maps, ask questions and provide feedback. Staff will present the proposed OPA, including the maps, and make available the profiles of potential HCD study areas.