openhousenewyork is thrilled to present its first program outside of New York City! Travel to the Pocantico Historic Area on the Rockefeller Estate in Tarrytown, New York, for unique access to the Marcel Breuer's 1948 House in a Museum Garden, typically closed to the public.
Barry Bergdoll, Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at the Museum of Modern Art and curator of MoMA's current exhibition on prefabricated housing, Home Delivery: Fabricating the Modern Dwelling, will lead a lecture and small group tours of the Marcel Breuer house. Originally built as part of a 1948 exhibition at MoMA, the Breuer House exemplifies the architect's vision of how the average American family could live in a well-designed, modern, expandable, and affordable home.
Tickets include a wine and hors d'oeuvres reception in the beautifully restored Coach Barn.
OHNY offers bus transportation leaving from Manhattan at 5pm on Tuesday, August 19, returning from Pocantico to midtown at 9 pm. Space is limited. Purchase tickets here, or contact
Presented in partnership with the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.