From Issue No. 139 | March 17, 2009
From the landscapes associated with historic buildings, industries and rural communities, to traditional use sites of First Nations peoples, cultural landscapes are tremendously diverse resources that present special preservation and management challenges. This course focuses on the nature of cultural landscapes, and develops your ability to identify, evaluate, and develop preservation strategies for landscape resources that are integral to your community.
Topics include:
Planning Institute of British Columbia (PIBC) members can earn 36 learning units of organized Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity.
Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC) members can earn 36 non-core learning units.
Please register by: March 23 (late registrations accepted if space permits
Wendy Shearer is Managing Director of Wendy Shearer Landscape Architect, a division of MHBC Planning Limited, based in Kitchener Ontario. For the past 25 years she has specialized in the research, documentation, assessment and conservation planning of cultural heritage landscapes. Wendy Shearer is an active member of the professional heritage community with her involvement in the Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation and the Heritage Conservation Professional Interest Group of the American Society of Landscape Architects. She is a long standing member of the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals and was adjunct professor at the University of Guelph between 1995 and 1999.
Wendy has been involved in numerous heritage projects throughout Ontario including heritage conservation district studies for rural settlements and urban neighbourhoods. As well, she has worked on the restoration and management planning of several historic parks, gardens and estates from the early nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Wendy has been a frequent invited speaker in the United States and Canada on heritage landscape issues. She brings to this course demonstrated expertise in evaluating the wide variety of cultural heritage landscapes and developing conservation plans and implementation strategies based on the heritage values of the property.
Enrollment options allow you to choose to take courses either to enhance professional development or build academic credit. Individual course descriptions and registration forms are available by contacting us at crmp@uvcs.uvic.ca or by visiting our web site at:
For more information, please contact:
Anissa Paulsen, Program Coordinator
Cultural Resource Management Program
Continuing Studies, University of Victoria
PO Box 3030 STN CSC Victoria BC Canada V8W 3N6
Tel: 250 721-6119 Fax: 250 721-8774
Email: apaulsen@uvcs.uvic.ca
Visit our Web site! http://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/crmp
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