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Sponsored by Parks Canada Agency and the Ministry of Culture, Province of Ontario
MacDonald Block, 900 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario
Tuesday January 29th and Wednesday January 30th, 2008
More Info:
Registration Contact
Susan Algie, Parks Canada
Phone: 204 983 4718
Fax: 204 983 8187
Email: heritage.workshops@pc.gc.ca
From Issue No. 104 | October 15, 2007
An ever-increasing number of heritage buildings can be categorized as modern heritage (1940 – 1980). This workshop, which is addressed to custodians, facility managers, architects and others who play a role in the conservation of modern heritage, will provide an introduction to the issues related to the emerging subject of modern heritage and its conservation.
Each participant will leave with a good understanding of the history, basic architectural types and the character-defining elements of modern architecture of the 1940s to 1970s.
Each participant will become aware of basic issues specifically related to the maintenance and repair of modern architecture.Each participant will receive a good introduction to sources of information on modern architecture and on their maintenance and repair.