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A presentation of Dr. Robert shipley and Associates of the heritage Resource Centre, University of Waterloo
Waterloo Public Library, Albert Street, Waterloo, Ontario
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
More Info:
Contact John Arndt, President North Waterloo Region Branch ACO
519 578-78624 or jarndt@sympatico.ca
From Issue No. 104 | October 15, 2007
Everyone is invited to this program presented by Dr. Robert Shipley and associates of the Heritage Resource Centre (HRC) at the University of Waterloo. The HRC contributes to the heritage well-being of our communities. Here is our opportunity to learn more about its work and how it benefits all of us – whether we own a heritage house, live in a designated heritage district, volunteer on municipal heritage committees and other related organizations, or are interested in preserving our historical landscapes - built and environmental. Dr. Robert Shipley, Director of the Heritage Resource Centre for several years, has an international reputation for research and publication. ACO has partnered with the HCR on many occasions, the most recent partnership being the book The Lazarus Effect: an Exploration of the Economics of Heritage Development in Ontario. This will be a most stimulating evening.