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December 3 to 8, 2007
Please register by: November 3, 2007
$620, including a $60 materials fee (Canadian funds, credit and non-credit participation options)
From Issue No. 106 | November 13, 2007
The Cultural Resource Management Program at the University of Victoria is an Architectural Institute of British Columbia registered provider offering an AIBC-accredited activity for continuing education learning units. This course is assigned 36 AIBC core learning credits.
This 6 day long immersion course addresses the complex range of principles and practices that create a framework for effective heritage preservation and conservation planning and decision-making. The practical implications of international and national conservation charters, principles, standards, and guidelines are discussed, along with legal, programmatic, and financial incentives and constraints.
Instructor: Herb Stovel
Herb Stovel has lectured and delivered courses on conservation and heritage management at more than 30 universities and training institutions, covering all continents. For four years, Stovel was Director of the Heritage Settlements Unit at the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) in Rome, and most recently worked as Associate Professor in Canadian Studies at Carleton University.